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  4. 君不老如花/和田邦坊のデザイン<後期>


君不老如花/ 和田邦坊のデザイン<後期>


<後期> 2019年10月12日(土)~2020年2月2日(日)




時 間  9:00~17:00(入館は16:30まで)


休館日  水曜日、年末年始2019年12月30日(月)31日(火)2020年1月1日(水)


場 所  灸まん美術館/和田邦坊画業館


入館料  一般500円、65歳以上の方・身体障害者手帳等をお持ちの方は300円 ・小中高大生・無料











ABOUT  君不老如花


香川県公式HP  https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/content/dir1/dir1_3/dir1_3_4/wfssqo160912152905.shtml


Commemorative event of the 120th anniversary of Kunibo WADA’s birth
Lasting Achievement of KUNIBO WADA

Hoping he would want to be an artist, what he had confidence in was the work of design.
We will show his performance that Kagawa’s design is considered to Kunibo’s design.

2019 is the memorial year of 120th anniversary of Kunibo WADA’s birth. We hold an exhibition focused on the time when Kagawa’s design was considered to Kunibo’s design.
Almost all products worked by Kunibo are familiar to residents of Kagawa prefecture. We have seen his design. We have eaten something in the package with his design. The sections for souvenir are still full of packages designed by Kunibo.

Mr. Kunibo WADA had multiple roles with a variety of title, such as cartoonist, novelist, curator of Sanuki Folk Craft Museum, commercial supervisor, artist.
Even though his job as a designer was always working on the products known by everyone, the name of designer and actual performance have not been talked until now.
However, he has gotten the attention in the industry, as he was awarded a special prize from Japan Package Design Association and participated in a design exhibition held overseas.

What he had confidence in was design and he specialized in the work of design. We explore the entire details through various his work and information.


開催日 2019年11月10日(日)12月8日(日)2020年1月12日(日)2月2日(日)
時間 各日14:00(約45分)
参加費 無料(但し、入館料が必要)
予約 不要


君不老如花/ 和田邦坊のデザイン<後期>展示風景




Recording and Organizing were Rules as a Designer.
Museum stores the works other than pictures taken over from his bereaved family. To give an example of the works, they are original pictures of package design, rough drafts and wrapping papers. These can be a portfolio, collection, of Kunibo. He probably intended to look back on the designs by himself until then and leave his past records. According to the information, we can imagine his methodical character that he “accumulated” and “organized” his job.


邦坊がデザインした香川県の物産品は、昭和40年ごろからパッケージ研究の第一人者である岡秀行からも注目され数々の専門書にも登場しています。また昭和57年(1982)日本パッケージデザイン協会から「永い間、ユニークなイラストとパッケージの制作にあたって、高松でのひとつの雰囲気をつくりあげている」という評価で特別賞を受賞しました。そして、平成8年(1996)海外の視点で評価された日本のデザイン展「Japanese Design」(フィラデルフィア美術館の企画)では、邦坊がデザインしたショッピングバッグがパッケージ部門から出展されています。香川では見慣れた邦坊のデザインですが、意外なことに世界デビューを果たしています。

Mr. Kunibo WADA is Famous in the World, though His Name is Unknown.
The specialties of Kagawa designed by Kunibo have been often covered in the specialized books of package since around 1965.Moreover, he was awarded a special prize from Japan Package Design Association in 1982 and the paper bag designed by Kunibo was exhibited at “Japanese Design”, temporary exhibition of Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1996. The paper bag, which is familiar to residents in Kagawa, unexpectedly made a global debut.  



Searching for Uniqueness of Kagawa
The characteristics of design by Kunibo was to search for uniqueness of Kagawa. He himself talked that he understood the goodness and weakness of Kagawa because he lived in Tokyo for a long time. He could see something all the more because he left Kagawa.
The package designs were in the motif of various subjects such as sightseeing spots of Kagawa, tradition, festival and culture. Moreover, he adopted dialects as the name of products and copy to express the uniqueness of Kagawa.



Kunibo Style? What was Success of Design?
Kunibo had a superior sense of the time, but his idea was often too unique for clients to understand. Actually, he said that he thought it was successful when his clients had an anxious face after he gave a design he made and it was failed when they had a happy face.
Kunibo was not a person who politely described something, but he had a calmly perspective viewpoint with the dedicated thought by his clients.
We can imagine by each design that he repeatedly considered what was asked to the products and to whom the products were offered for sale.



Keeping His Eyes Open and Never Retired.
The people who know Kunibo say that such a genius never appear. This is not an exaggerate expression and we understand that Mr. Kunibo Wada had a great presence for the people who lived in the same period.
Kunibo read many magazines to get the information about popularity after the age of eighty under his own theory that the sense of the time was sensitive like a seismometer.
He had worked as a designer throughout his life.